Repetitive Motion Injuries and Workers’ Compensation in Tennessee

Not all work-related injuries happen in a single, traumatic event. Some of the most debilitating conditions develop gradually over time, due to repetitive movements required by your job. Carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and back strain are just a few examples of repetitive motion injuries that can leave you in chronic pain and unable to work.

If you are suffering from a repetitive motion injury caused by your job duties, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits in Tennessee. A Knoxville workers’ compensation attorney can help ensure you receive the benefits you deserve and protect your rights if your claim is denied.

Here is what you need to know.

Signs and Symptoms of Repetitive Motion Injuries

Repetitive motion injuries occur when you perform the same physical movements repeatedly over extended periods, causing damage to muscles, nerves, tendons, and ligaments. These conditions, also called repetitive stress injuries, develop gradually as tissue damage accumulates faster than your body can repair it. Manufacturing workers, office employees, healthcare professionals, and many others face high risks of developing these injuries.

Some of the most common signs of repetitive motion injuries include:

  • Persistent aching 
  • Tingling or numbness
  • Decreased grip strength
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Throbbing pain
  • Muscle weakness
  • Visible swelling
  • Sensitivity to heat or cold

Your Rights as an Injured Worker in Tennessee

In Tennessee, injured employees are eligible for benefits through their employers’ workers’ compensation insurance. The vast majority of employers are required to carry this coverage if they have at least five employees, whether they work full or part-time.

An injury qualifies as work-related when your job duties either caused the condition or significantly contributed to its development. When your repetitive motion injury stems directly from your work, you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim and receive benefits. However, proving the connection between your condition and your job can present unique challenges. 

Insurance companies often attempt to attribute these injuries to age, pre-existing conditions, or activities outside of work. Additionally, pinpointing exactly when the injury occurred can prove difficult; symptoms often develop gradually rather than from a single incident. In these situations, a Tennessee workers’ compensation attorney can help you gather the evidence that you need to establish your right to benefits.

Benefits Available for Repetitive Motion Injuries

Workers’ compensation claims can provide important support for repetitive motion injuries. If your claim is successful, you can recover:

  • Medical benefits for all necessary treatment, including doctor visits, physical therapy, medications, and surgical procedures when required
  • Temporary disability benefits that provide partial wage replacement during your recovery, if your injury prevents you from working
  • Permanent disability benefits, in severe cases where the injury causes permanent impairment
  • Benefits for vocational rehabilitation services to help you transition to alternative employment through job training and placement assistance, if required

Trust the Lawyers of Brown & Roberto to Protect You

Speak to a Knoxville workers’ compensation attorney

Proving repetitive motion injuries can be tricky, but you do not have to face this challenge alone. With over 50 years of combined experience, The Lawyers of Brown & Roberto have helped countless Tennessee workers secure fair benefits. We know what it takes to protect your right to compensation.

Contact us at (865) 691-2777 to discuss your case and begin your legal journey today.