Injuries in the Manufacturing Industry

The fast-paced, physically demanding nature of factory work also makes it one of the most dangerous industries, with a high rate of workplace accidents and injuries. From machinery accidents to exposure to toxic materials, manufacturing workers face unique risks on the job. If you or a loved one is employed in the manufacturing industry in Tennessee, here are some of the hazards that you need to watch out for.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury while working in a factory, a Knoxville workplace injury lawyer can help you understand your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve.

Repetitive Motion Injuries

Manufacturing work often requires performing the same movements hundreds or even thousands of times per day. These repetitive motions can lead to serious musculoskeletal disorders affecting your joints, muscles, and nerves. 

Common injuries include: 

These injuries often start gradually but can become permanently disabling, affecting your ability to continue working in the manufacturing industry or even perform basic tasks at home.

Machinery Accidents

Heavy machinery presents constant dangers in manufacturing environments. Accidents involving conveyor belts, forklifts, hydraulic presses, and cutting tools can result in severe injuries including crushed limbs, amputations, and lacerations. 

Proper machine guarding, lockout/tagout procedures, and regular equipment maintenance are essential but not always adequately implemented. But even with proper training and safety protocols, equipment malfunctions or momentary lapses in attention can have catastrophic consequences.

Slip and Falls

Manufacturing environments contain numerous hazards that significantly increase slip and fall risks. Wet or oily floors from machinery leaks, chemical spills, and cleaning processes create treacherous walking conditions. Even small amounts of liquid can make surfaces dangerously slippery, especially in high-traffic areas or near equipment.

Poor lighting compounds these risks, making it difficult for workers to spot potential hazards. Uneven surfaces, damaged flooring, and unexpected level changes further increase fall dangers. Employees accessing elevated equipment or storage areas face additional risks from heights, where falls can result in catastrophic injuries or death. 

Toxic Exposure

Manufacturing workers routinely handle or work near hazardous substances that pose serious health risks. These include industrial solvents, cleaning chemicals, metalworking fluids, paints, adhesives, and various processing materials. Exposure can happen through skin contact, inhalation of fumes or dust, or accidental ingestion.

Immediate effects of toxic exposure may include:

  • Chemical burns to skin, eyes, or respiratory tract
  • Breathing difficulties and throat irritation
  • Dizziness and disorientation
  • Nausea and headaches
  • Skin rashes and allergic reactions

Long-term exposure poses even greater dangers, potentially leading to chronic respiratory conditions, organ damage, neurological disorders, and even various types of cancer.

Being Struck by Objects

Manufacturing plants are very dynamic, with constant movement of materials and operation of machinery. This environment can heighten the risk of being struck by an object. For example, tools or materials can fall from overhead work areas onto employees below. Moving equipment parts, especially on automated machinery, may strike workers who come too close. Improperly secured materials on shelving or during transport can shift unexpectedly.

Hurt at Work in Tennessee? Speak to a Workplace Injury Lawyer in Knoxville Today

Hurt at Work in Tennessee? Speak to a Workplace Injury Lawyer in Knoxville Today

Manufacturing injuries can have devastating consequences for both you and your family, affecting your ability to work and your financial stability. If you were injured on the job, you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim and recover benefits to help pay for your medical care, lost income, and more.

The Lawyers of Brown & Roberto understand the challenges faced by manufacturing workers and have helped numerous Tennessee employees secure the compensation they deserve. Contact us at (865) 691-2777 today for a free consultation about your workplace injury case.