
Workers’ Compensation FAQs

Why Is Maximum Medical Improvement So Important? After Reaching Maximum Medical Improvement, How Long Will It Take My Case to Settle? Which Workers’ Compensation Doctor Should I Pick? What Should I Do if My Workers’ Comp. Doctor Won’t Make the Referrals That I Need? While on Workers’ Comp. Can I Quit My Job? My…

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The Top 5 Reasons You Need a Workers Compensation Lawyer

We wrote recently about the process of filing for Workers’ Compensation benefits. If you haven’t read it yet, you can check it out here. The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development has detailed instructions on their website to help you through the process. In a perfect world, you would follow the process step…

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Time Limit for Reporting a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Tennessee

Is There a Time Limit for Reporting a Work-Related Injury? If you were injured at work, you should promptly notify your employer. In Tennessee, you need to report your work-related injury to your supervisor within 15 days of the accident (or the date when a doctor first tells you that your injury is work-related)…

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What to Do When Your Medical Treatment Is Denied Under Tennessee Workers’ Compensation

We frequently get calls from injured workers telling us that their medical treatment has been denied by the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Carrier. Discussed below are some of the reasons that treatment is denied and what injured workers should do when that happens. One common reason that treatment is denied is because the Carrier claims…

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Work Injuries and Your Rights

Work injuries can happen anytime, to anyone, even in seemingly low-risk environments. If you are injured at work you may be entitled workerscompensation benefits. If the accident was caused by a third party (someone who does not work for your employer), you may be entitled to additional compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit…

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Scruggs v. Amazon Case Brief

It is not unusual for Workers’ Compensation Carriers to deny claims based upon an allegation of improper notice.  Carla Scruggs v. Services, LLC, et al. (2022) discussed below details that notice is a weak argument for denying a Tennessee Workers’ Compensation claim. Facts and Background On April 9, 2021, while performing her duties…

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Seeking Medical Treatment on Your Own During a Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Claim

Many Workers’ Compensation claimants are dissatisfied with their medical treatment for various reasons. Sometimes it is because the Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier won’t approve the medical treatment that is recommended from the Workers’ Compensation doctor. Other times it is because the Workers’ Compensation doctor won’t address the claimant’s complaints, says there is nothing that…

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Settlement Too Low? Four Ways to Know

1. Has Workers’ Compensation Calculated Your Pay Wrong? Whether it is for temporary benefits or your final disability award, how your pay is calculated is very important. Workers’ Compensation is paid out based on your “Compensation Rate.” This is sixty-six and two-thirds percent of your Average Weekly Wage in the 52 weeks prior to…

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Should I Hire an Attorney for My Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Some injured workers decide to go it alone on their Workers’ Compensation claim for various reasons. Some do so because they are worried about paying an attorney or owing money in the end. Workers with this mindset do not realize that their attorney gets paid out of what it recovered for the worker. This…

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Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Average Weekly Wage Calculation

In Tennessee, your Workers’ Compensation benefits are based on two-thirds of your Average Weekly Wage. Many claimants complain that the rate they are paid is far less than the two-thirds they are owed. The Goodman v. HBD Industries, Inc., 208 S.W.3d 373 (2006) case discussed below gives guidance on how to find out if…

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