
Determining Fault in a Car Wreck

Every auto accident is unique. Sometimes it’s easy to determine who is at fault. Other times, not so much. And then there are times when theanswer seems obvious, but turns out not to be. Such was the case for one of our clients recently. This is important, because the amount that someone can recover…

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Does the Statute of Limitations Apply to Bringing in an Uninsured Motorist Carrier?

Statute of Limitations on Car Accidents in Tennessee In Tennessee, you only have one year after a car accident to bring a personal injury action. This means that if you wait one year plus a day to file a lawsuit to try to seek damages to help compensate you for your injuries from the…

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Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. According to the National Safety Council, at least 100 people are injured in distracted driving crashes in the U.S. each day. Smartphones, dashboard screens, and other in-vehicle technologies can cause drivers to glance away from the road and take their minds off driving. When a driver reads…

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Don’t Wait to Pursue your Car Accident Claim

After a serious car accident, many people wait to file a claim. One reason for this is that they don’t know their rights. For information on what you can recover from a car accident, check out our blog post on the topic. Another reason, though, is that they figure that everything will work out…

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Calling a Car Wreck Lawyer for the First Time

Most people have never talked to a car wreck lawyer – until they are injured in a car accident and need one. When you call us for the first time, relax. We’re just normal people (for the most part) and we really do want to help you. Here are some of the questions that…

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Can I Bring an Uninsured Motorist Claim in a Road Debris Accident?

Have you ever been driving down the road when a piece of debris seems to appear out of nowhere, giving you no time to avoid it or even slow down? Road debris can be hard to dodge and can cause major damage to your vehicle and even injury to you. You may be wondering…

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Car Accidents are More Likely in the Rain

With heavy precipitation expected in the Knoxville, you might be wondering if car accidents are more likely in the rain than on a snowy day? Surprisingly, National Highway Safety Administration studies have shown that 46% of weather related car accidents occur when driving in the rain, while only 17% when it is snowing. One…

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Car Accidents with Impaired Drivers

Impaired drivers create some of the most hazardous road conditions and no matter how well you drive, you can be struck and seriously injured or lose a loved one as a result of someone else’s irresponsible and selfish decision. Highway safety is a priority for Governor Haslam, who recently awarded more than $24 million…

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Car Wreck Tips: Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Once you have gotten the emergency medical treatment that you need, it is very important to notify your insurance company about your car accident just as soon as you can. There are numerous reasons for this, not the least of which is that many drivers in Tennessee are underinsured or have no insurance at…

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Dealing with Insurance Companies After a Car Wreck

Month after month, year after year you pay your car insurance just in case you ever get into an accident. Sometimes it seems like a waste and you begin to wonder if it’s really worth it. Unfortunately, most of us will be in a car accident at some point in our lives. When that…

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