
Firm Honored for Community Service

The Salvation Army of Knoxville presented their Red Shield Award to The Lawyers of Brown & Roberto in recognition of our service to the organization. The award was presented at the City of Hope Gala, an annual event that raises money for the programs and services of The Salvation Army. Richard Cramer of Johnstone…

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Business Plan Competition: Finalist #2, Noel Lumbu and Exploration Dayz

All this week we will be featuring the three finalists for our 2014 Business Plan Competition for Veterans. The goal of the competition is to say “thanks” to our local veterans and to inspire and encourage them to greater success. Ultimately, we hope that this competition will create even more opportunities for veterans and…

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Brown & Roberto Sponsor Business Plan Competition for Veterans

Though Veterans’ Day has come and gone, the struggles of readjustment continue to plague many modern veterans. According to recent studies, nearly 246,000 veterans who have served since 9/11 are still battling unemployment. As of October, the unemployment rate for those veterans was 10% – significantly higher than the jobless rate for all veterans and…

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Business Plan Competition: Finalist #1, Patricia Pieper & the Butternut

All this week we will be featuring the three finalists for our 2014 Business Plan Competition for Veterans. The goal of the competition is to say “thanks” to our local veterans and to inspire and encourage them to greater success. Ultimately, we hope that this competition will create even more opportunities for veterans and…

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Community Matters: 2014 Red Kettle Campaign

We’ve often spoken about our support for The Salvation Army. We serve lunch once a month in the soup kitchen and help sponsor their events. From time to time we’ve be able to provide legal assistance for residents of their programs, and our colleague, Andrew Roberto will soon be chairman of their advisory board….

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Community Matters: It’s #Socktober!

Community Matters at Brown & Roberto. That’s one of the reasons we’re so impressed with Robbie Novak. We may be behind the curve, but we recently were introduced to Robbie Novak, a.k.a. “Kid President”. He has a great collection of videos on his YouTube channel, but the one that caught our eye was the…

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Community Matters: Why We Support The Salvation Army

Community Matters at Brown and Roberto. We are committed to our clients and we are committed to our community. We want to leave our mark on Knoxville. We want it to be a better place to live because we were here. We seek to partner with organizations with those same values. That’s one of…

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Community Matters

Community matters at The Lawyers of Brown & Roberto. Did you know that 49.1 million Americans, nearly one in every six of us, live in poverty? Also, 38% of Americans report that they have sought assistance from a charity. An additional 13% of Americans report having stayed at least one night in a shelter…

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Be Kind to Lawyers?

Join us in celebrating national Be Kind to Lawyers Day! Yes. It’s a real thing. We’re not exactly sure how, when, or why it got started, but apparently, the second Tuesday of April is set aside as a special day to be kind to lawyers. (Though we can’t really understand why anyone would ever…

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Alert: Beware of a Current Scam in Knoxville

The Lawyers of Brown & Roberto encourage you to be on the lookout for a popular scam in Knoxville. The “bail bond” scam has once again returned to our area. This is  one of the classic phone scams and it keeps coming back every couple of years because it is so successful. Someone even…

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