
Stand Your Ground Law In Tennessee

Following the jury verdict in the recent trial of George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin, many people have been wondering whether Tennessee has a similar provision. Tennessee does have a very broad self-defense law that is contained in the Tennessee Code at Section 39-11-611. More specifically, the stand your ground law in…

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Tennessee Criminal Sentencing: Glossary of Terms

Criminal law sentencing can be very complicated in Tennessee. Even experienced criminal law attorneys must consult several sections of the Tennessee Code in order to properly advise clients. If you’ve never been in trouble before, it is even easier to get confused by the words that criminal lawyers and judges use when discussing possible…

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Tennessee DUI Lawyer Exposes DUI Myths – Part 3

Myth #3: The BAC Test is Always Accurate In Part 1 of our series on Tennessee DUI Myths, we addressed the myth that the driver’s blood alcohol content is the sole determining factor in a DUI charge. In this article, we address another myth related to blood alcohol content, they myth that the tests…

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Protecting Yourself From Fraud

Last Christmas, the credit and debit card information of as many as 40 million customers was compromised over three weeks of the holiday shopping season. It was one of the largest breaches ever of American consumer data. Most of us probably know someone who was affected. Target says that incidents of fraud have been…

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Real CSI: How Reliable is Crime Scene Science?

It seems that everyone is fascinated by television shows about crime scene science. If you’re a fan of these shows, you may assume that, with modern science involved, it’s easy to solve crimes and get a conviction. However, the reliability of crime scene science in a court case can depend on a number of…

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Marijuana Possession in Tennessee: 5 Reasons It’s Still a Big Deal

Public perception of marijuana use is rapidly changing. Its prevalence as a theme or source of humor in movies and popular music, coupled with its legalization in two states now, has led many people – especially young people – to believe that it’s really no big deal. If you’re wondering why marijuana possession in…

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Holiday Stress and Orders of Protection

For many, the holidays are a time of joy as families gather to celebrate the season. Unfortunately, it can also be a season of increased stress and violence. Law enforcement officials report increased incidents of domestic violence and we handle more requests for orders of protection during the holidays. There are a few common…

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A Lesson in Consequences From a DUI Lawyer

What can happen to you if you are convicted of driving under the influence in Tennessee? The answer depends on a number of variables. It is important for anyone who decides to drive while intoxicated to understand the potential consequences of that decision. A person convicted of DUI may face jail time, fines, community…

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Advice From a DUI Lawyer: Don’t Give up; Be Prepared

As we pointed out in our recent blog post, the consequences of a DUI conviction in Tennessee can be severe. I am always surprised at how many people go to trial without ever talking to a DUI lawyer.  Perhaps this is because they feel they cannot win their case. However, that is even more…

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