
SSI Benefits Explained

Supplemental Security Income or SSI is a benefit program for people with low income and limited resources. Children with disabilities may also qualify for SSI benefits. Unlike Social Security Disability, there is no work history requirement and the applicant does not have to have paid into Social Security. The Lawyers of Brown & Roberto…

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Stopping for School Buses

School bus safety is always a concern, especially now that winter break is almost over with kids going back to school next week. It’s important to know and understand the law about stopping for school buses so you can help keep kids safe and avoid getting a ticket. Under Tennessee law, you are required…

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Should I Hire an Attorney for My Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Some injured workers decide to go it alone on their Workers’ Compensation claim for various reasons. Some do so because they are worried about paying an attorney or owing money in the end. Workers with this mindset do not realize that their attorney gets paid out of what it recovered for the worker. This…

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Tennessee Criminal Sentencing: Glossary of Terms

Criminal law sentencing can be very complicated in Tennessee. Even experienced criminal law attorneys must consult several sections of the Tennessee Code in order to properly advise clients. If you’ve never been in trouble before, it is even easier to get confused by the words that criminal lawyers and judges use when discussing possible…

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Settlement Too Low? Four Ways to Know

Dealing with a workplace injury can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to ensuring you receive the benefits you deserve. Understanding how your workers’ compensation is calculated and whether you’re being properly compensated can be challenging. This is where a Knoxville workplace injury lawyer can make all the difference. From determining if your pay…

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Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Average Weekly Wage Calculation

In Tennessee, your Workers’ Compensation benefits are based on two-thirds of your Average Weekly Wage. Many claimants complain that the rate they are paid is far less than the two-thirds they are owed. The Goodman v. HBD Industries, Inc., 208 S.W.3d 373 (2006) case discussed below gives guidance on how to find out if…

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Stand Your Ground Law In Tennessee

Following the jury verdict in the recent trial of George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin, many people have been wondering whether Tennessee has a similar provision. Tennessee does have a very broad self-defense law that is contained in the Tennessee Code at Section 39-11-611. More specifically, the stand your ground law in…

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Survivor Benefits for Widows and Widowers

Social Security Disability (SSD or SSDI) includes survivor benefits for widows and widowers. If you are a disabled widow or widower of a person who received SSD benefits, you may be entitled to their disability benefits. Who is Eligible for Disabled Widow or Widower Benefits? As a widow or widower of a SSD recipient, you…

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Should I Provide a Recorded Statement After a Car Accident?

Insurance companies will often ask their clients to provide a recorded statement after a car accident. Our clients often ask if they should provide such a recorded statement to the insurance company or not. The answer depends on whether it is your insurance company or the other driver’s insurance company. The Other Driver’s Insurance…

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Seeking Medical Treatment after a Car Accident – Part 1

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you may be compensated for both the property damage and the physical injuries that resulted from the accident. As discussed in our previous blog post, a major part of the compensation for physical injuries will include any reasonable costs incurred from your medical treatment. When seeking…

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