Aggressive driving is a dangerous and all-too-common problem in Tennessee. From tailgating and excessive speeding to illegal passing and road rage, these behaviors often stem from a sense of entitlement, impatience, or disregard for the safety of others. Aggressive drivers put everyone on the road at risk, and if you were caught in the crosshairs, you may be entitled to legal action.
A Knoxville car accident lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of your claim, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages caused by a reckless driver.
Speeding and Racing
Speeding is one of the most common forms of aggressive driving. Whether a driver is going 10 miles or 30 miles over the posted limit, excessive speed reduces reaction time and increases the risk of losing control. Some aggressive drivers engage in street racing, reaching extremely high speeds and weaving through traffic with no regard for others’ safety.
Tailgating happens when a driver follows the car ahead too closely, leaving insufficient space to stop safely if needed. Impatient drivers may tailgate to pressure the car in front to speed up or move over. However, this puts both vehicles at risk of a rear-end collision if the lead car has to brake suddenly.
Dangerous Lane Changes
Aggressive drivers often make abrupt, unpredictable lane changes without signaling or checking mirrors and blind spots. They may squeeze into tight spaces between vehicles or use the shoulder to pass in heavy traffic. Cutting off other cars can easily cause an accident, especially if the other driver has to swerve or brake hard to avoid a collision.
Road Rage Incidents
Road rage takes aggressive driving to an extreme. Angry drivers may yell, honk excessively, flash their lights, or make rude gestures at others. Some escalate to throwing objects at other cars or even forcing them off the road. In the worst cases, enraged drivers exit their vehicles to confront another motorist, which can lead to assault.
Intentional Blocking
Some aggressive drivers intentionally block other vehicles out of spite or to punish another driver for a perceived slight. They may drive slowly in the left lane to prevent others from passing or cut off a car that is trying to merge.
Speak with Our Aggressive Driving Accident Lawyers
If you have been injured in an accident caused by an aggressive driver, you have legal options to hold them accountable. You may be able to file an insurance claim against the at-fault driver’s policy. If you have suffered very severe damages and injuries, you could escalate your claim to a personal injury lawsuit.
Through a lawsuit, you can seek compensation for:
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Property damage
- Pain and suffering
- Punitive damages in extreme cases
Evidence such as traffic camera footage, videos from witnesses, police reports, and medical records can help prove the other driver’s aggressive actions directly caused your crash and injuries. A Tennessee car accident attorney can help gather evidence, build a strong case, and fight for the maximum compensation you need to move forward.
Aggressive driving poses a serious threat to everyone on the road, and victims of these reckless behaviors often face a long road to recovery. The attorneys at The Lawyers of Brown & Roberto can stand up for your rights and pursue the justice you deserve.
If you have been harmed by an aggressive driver, contact us today at (865) 691-2777 for a free, confidential consultation.